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          1.1 Introduction
          ScanLine scanning software interface is very simple, all operations are located in the "universal", "scan", "display" three toolbar. General toolbar contains file manipulation and output function of the point cloud scanning toolbar includes scanning and photogrammetry function to display the toolbar that contains the display control function.
          1.2 at the top toolbar
          A top tool bar in the title bar of the software, which can be placed on some of the most common operations. Users can customize the tool bar at the top, click on the small triangle of the right end of the toolbar button, a drop-down menu will pop up. Click "More commands ...", you can implement custom. Click "Minimize the Ribbon", you can automatically hide the toolbar. There are two methods to automatically hide the toolbar, a click in a blank area of ??the toolbar, right from the pop-up menu, select "Minimize the Ribbon", another double-click the Toolbar tab, which is relatively easy is recommended.
          1.3 Status Bar
          The left side of the status bar displays prompts and feedback information is displayed on the right side of some of the basic statistics of the scan scene.
          1.4 monitoring and output window
          Watch window located in the lower left, used to output detailed tips and feedback, the output window located in the bottom right, temporarily not in use. "Surface": back for scans statistics. "Surface: 4 (0 | 4 | 3 | 2)" as an example, it indicates to scan the scene (4) scans, wherein the 0 mark point scans, four point cloud scan sheet, (3) scans choose which number scans 2 scans. "Point": behind the statistics point cloud. "Points: 619,258 (123,887)", for example, it said that a total of 619,268 points in the scanned scene, current scans 123,887 points marked ": followed by marked point statistical information to "superscript: 13 (2 | 0)", for example, it represents from 13 mark point in the scan the scene, the two marking points which are not visible, the 0 mark point is selected.
          2 file operations
          File operations in the general toolbar.
          2.1 File panel
          File panel "New", "Open", "Save" and "Save As" button with the same software in general. Check the "streamlining" check box, and save the file to the Compact Mode, streamline mode file size is only 1/3 the normal file open but will be slower, it is recommended that under normal circumstances do not check. To change the file save mode, simply open the file, change the state of "streamlining" check box, and then save the file to.
          2.2 view panel
          View panel is used to control the watch window, output window and the status bar to display and hide
          3.3D the view operation
          3.1 rotate, pan and zoom
          Rotate, pan and zoom the basic 3D view by mouse + helper key. Ordinary rotation: similar shook his head and nodded, press the Alt key while you drag the left mouse button. The axis of rotation: similar to turn the steering wheel, to be achieved by holding down the Ctrl key while dragging the left mouse button. Translation: by pressing the Alt key while dragging the right mouse button to achieve. Zoom: to achieve by pressing the Ctrl key while dragging the right mouse button. Wheel Zoom: by holding down the Shift key while rolling the mouse wheel to scroll up to zoom, scroll down to narrow.
          3.2 close-up zoom
          Close-up zoom for the local area to scan the scene for close-up view, method of operation simultaneously press the Ctrl and Alt keys, then pull box area of ??interest. Forward pull box, from the upper left to the lower right corner to zoom in, and vice versa for narrow.
          4 scan
          4.1 scan panel
          Scanning panel in the a scanning toolbar, used to control the handheld 3D scanner for scanning. Click the "scan" button or press the buttons in the upper left corner of the scanner to start scanning, click the "Scan" button again or stop scanning 3D scanner button is released. The scanner has two working modes - marked point scan mode and point cloud scan mode. The former scan only flag point, which is not only scan signs point to scan point cloud. Only flag "check box is checked, by signs point scanning mode, otherwise the point cloud scan mode. Check "aligned" check box, and then again after the end of the scan scans are aligned. Initial position when scanning large objects, the signs are more prone to error, and after using the alignment can re-find their places after the end of the scan.
          "Monitor" check box is checked, the scan will monitor window output feedback. "De-noise" check box is checked, you can reduce the noise generated in the scanning process. To the noise intensity in the bottom of the drop-down box, select the higher the intensity, the more the results of the scan clean, but also easy to lose small details, can generally use the default intensity. "Delete" button is used to delete the selected scan chip select and delete scans, see "Select / Delete".
          4.2 mark points
          Mark points appear as spheres, signs point scanning sheet covering the signs point to visible signs point otherwise not visible mark points. The former is shown in purple, which is displayed in yellow.
          5 Select / Delete
          5.1 mark points
          Press Shift + Alt keys at the same time, click or pull box to select the flag point. Forward pull box add select reverse pull box is deselected. The mark point is selected will be displayed surrounded by boxes. To delete the selected logo, click on the Scan toolbar -> signs point in the panel "delete" button, can also press the keyboard Ctrl + Del key. Note, the mark point to be deleted can not be restored. The signs point selection information displayed in the status bar on the right, see "interface" of a "status bar".
          6. Benchmark
          Length benchmark benchmark for Photogrammetry, located in the the scanning toolbar benchmark panel associated functionality.
          6.1 Add, delete, and edit
          By two signs point to define a benchmark. To add, delete, and edit the benchmark, select the benchmark two signs point and click on the appropriate button. Length value in the lower right of the drop-down box, select or directly enter values ??in millimeters.
          6.2 shows
          "Benchmark" check box is checked, the benchmark, or does not show. "Length" check box is checked, the benchmark one end displays three values, from left to right as the nominal length, measure the length and the deviation between millimeters. For ease of viewing, the three values ??of the angle of the display can be adjusted. Select benchmark two flag points, hold down the Ctrl key and scroll the mouse wheel can.
          7 photogrammetry / optimization
          The signs point to optimize and point cloud optimization features photogrammetry scanning toolbar panel.
          7.1 photogrammetry
          Photogrammetry optimization flag point, can eliminate the accumulated error in the scanning process, so that the overall accuracy is guaranteed. Photogrammetry also the internal parameters of the scanner, to achieve the self-calibration of the scanner, the self-calibration result of point cloud can be used for optimization.
          Photogrammetry software built-in dual camera photogrammetry. Unlike existing single-camera photogrammetry, dual camera can automatically distinguish and locate signs point, so no coded targets, that is, the dual-camera photogrammetry the ordinary signs point to work.
          7.2 Error Analysis
          Optimize the sign color display projection errors and optimize visible number, check the appropriate checkbox. Projection error is a measure of the image space, in pixels. The so-called visible number is visible in the number of camera locations. Seen the higher the number, the accuracy and reliability is also higher. Visible increase in the number of camera position can improve all signs point number. On error analysis or seen the number analysis, hold down the Alt key and roll the wheel, you can change the color code table scales.
          8. Binding framework
          8.1 binding framework
          Click the "bind" button, the file dialog panel signs point to signs point file (. Pnt) can choose to bind. Binding is successful, is bound signs point grayed out, the point of the flag belongs to the framework, immutable position.
          8.2 unbind
          Click the button of "stripping" signs point panel, you can unbind. Unbind belonging to the external frame signs point disappears, only local signs point preserved, and no longer grayed out.
          9 show
          The display toolbar contains hidden panel, vision panel, display panel and performance panel.
          9.1 hidden panel
          Hidden panel is used to hide / show the scans. Click the "Hide" button, or press the "H" key, hide / display is selected scans. Click on the "All" button, or press the "U" key, the display only selected scans, to hide all scans and alternately switching between the three states of all scans. Scans hidden point cloud is not visible, only the trajectory line visible, display the cross, and at both ends of the track line. Point cloud scans can be hidden, the signs point scans can not. Hidden addition to the impact of view, but also affect the point cloud output the scans is hidden point cloud will not be output.
          9.2 vision panel
          Vision panel is used to adjust the field of view to the region of interest. Click on the "current" button, or press the "F" key, you can adjust the field of view to the current scan slice. Click "select" button, or press the "S" key, you can adjust the field of view to be selected scans. Click the "All" button, or press the "A" key, you can view adjust to all scans, and also that the whole scene.
          9.3 display panel
          The display panel is used to control some display-related settings.
          "Multicolor" check box is checked, or press the "C" key, then the piece of each scan point cloud appear as different colors in order to distinguish. Otherwise, does not show signs point "check box is checked, or press the" M "key, display signs point and trajectory line. "Framework" check box is checked, or show the connecting signs point framework press the "L" key, otherwise do not display.
          Click the button in the upper right corner of the toolbar, and you can pop up the "About" dialog box.
          10.1 version information
          The second line of the dialog box, "Build" appears after the software version information.
          10.2 Help Resources
          The fourth line of the dialog box, access software to help document link, click on the link to access the website.

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